Jan. 12: Neepawa burns; CJOB's "Red" Alix; Brandon disaster kills 19; Redwood Bridge opens..

January 12 -13, 1905 - A fire in downtown Neepawa destroys the Jubilee Block which contained eight businesses, including the  and the Bell telephone exchange and opera house. (Above image: Winnipeg Telegram, Jan. 13, 1905)

By summer 1905, construction was underway on a new opera house at the same location. Due to faulty architecture the walls of the structure collapsed before the building opened. The Oct 20, 1905 Free Press reported that it "... now presents a scene more depressing than was left by the fire."

The project was started over again and the Neepawa Opera House did get rebuilt and was rechristened the Roxy Theatre around 1932. In 1936, interior and exterior renovations were done to give it a period art-deco feel. The Roxy is a provincial heritage site.

January 12, 1909 - The Village of Shoal Lake is incorporated. In October 1997 it became a town. For more Shoal Lake history.

January 11, 1909 - The Redwood Bridge, Winnipeg's oldest bridge, opens.

January 12, 1916 -  What is likely Manitoba's second deadliest train crash happens in the heart of Brandon.

Winnipeg Free Press, October 7, 1957

January 12, 2010
- Radio personality "Red" Alix dies. He spent 30 years as host of the CJOB morning show and his memorable "Beefs and Bouquets" segment.    

January 12, 1993 - Marjorie Morley dies. She was the province's first female provincial librarian.

©️ 2012 and 2020, Christian Cassidy

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