July 7 - Rainbow Stage opens; Winnitoba sails.

Source: Peel's

7, 1909 - The excursion ship Winnitoba is launched in Winnipeg. The following year the Winnitoba carried Laurier and other dignitaries when they opened the St. Andrews Lock and Dam.

July 6, 1954, Winnipeg Free Press

July 7, 1954 - Rainbow Stage opens in Kildonan Park.(Also see.)

Mayor Grant Coulter, Reg Hugo of the Civic Music League and James Fraser, chairman of the city's parks board, presided over the opening night concert. The two-hour show featured St. Boniface tenor Georges Paquin, comedian Len Andree, Eric Wild's orchestra, an 80-member choir from the Ukrainian Youth Association, Ukrainian dancers from the Trident Club and the Jewish Community Choir. The highlight was likely Lowe's 22-peice accordion band.

September 7, 1955, Winnipeg Free Press

For the first summer, it was a theatre for hire. July events included Winnipeg Film Council short movie nights, a performance by the Vancouver Junior Band, a performance by the Winnipeg Promenade Orchestra and a YMCA dance.

It wasn't until September 7, 1955 that the first musical, Brigadoon, was staged.

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