July 31: Mennonites arrive; Dayton's closes; Agricore formed.

Image: "Fort Garry and Steamer International" 
 (source: Canadian Illustrated News)

July 31, 1874 - The first Russian Mennonites arrive in Manitoba via St. Paul, Minnesota aboard the steamship International. (Also see.)

The arrival of the Mennonites is commemorated in this mural on Sargent Avenue. For more Mennonite history.

The only steamer on the Red River for many years, International has a great history. It was responsible for bringing many settlers to Manitoba including the Icelanders who settled near Gimli. In 1870 it was commandeered by Riel’s forces. 

July 31, 1998 - Manitoba Pool Elevators and the Alberta Wheat Pool merge to form Agricore United.

Dayton Building
July 31, 1983 - Dayton's Outfitters, a fixture on Portage Avenue since 1930, closes. When the original building was destroyed in the Time Building fire of 1954, owner Alex Mitchell had replaced it with Winnipeg's first glass-facade building.

July 31, 2004 - Sid Trepel dies. Son-in-law of Ben Moss, he took over the business in 1962 and grew Ben Moss Jewellers into a national chain. For more about the history of Ben Moss Jewellers.

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