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Mar. 30: Riel sworn in; Public transport strike; Baseball's Harry Sketchley.

March 30, 1874 - Despite having a bounty out for his arrest in Ontario, Louis Riel slipped into Ottawa to be sworn in as the M.P. for Provencher. He flees to Hull immediately after.

March 30, 1906 - Winnipeg’s first public transportation strike began. Over 12,000 people crowded Main Street to watch the strikers protest. There were scuffles with police and two street cars were burned. The following day, the mayor read the riot act and the NWMP were brought in to restore order. The crowd dispersed and the men got a small pay raise the following week. (Also see.)

March 30, 1954 - Fire destroyed the Winnipeg Canoe Club. The 40 year-old, all-wood structure burned for four and a half hours.

March 30, 1919 - Harry "Bud" Sketchley was born in Virden, MB. After attending the University of California - Los Angeles, he had a short stint in baseball's major leagues playing 13 games with the Chicago White Sox in 1942, (read more about his call-up here.) He was the third Manitoban to play in baseball's major leagues and died in LA in 1979. (Image source: The Southeast Missourian, April 1942.)

March 30, 1973 - In partnership with Ottawa, Manitoba began a “guaranteed annual income” project called “Mincome”.

March 30, 1990 - The Minnedosa Agricultural Society Display Building at the Ag Fair Grounds in Minnedosa was designated a Provincial Heritage Site.

March 30 1990 - The Hotel Fort Garry, Winnipeg was designated a Provincial Heritage Site.

March 30, 1990 - The Trappist Monastery Guesthouse, rue du Monastére, St. Norbert was designated a Provincial Heritage Site.

March 30, 1990 - Kildonan School (Nisbet Hall) at 2373 Main Street, Winnipeg was designated a Provincial Heritage Site.

© 2012, 2020 Christian Cassidy

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