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Mar. 3: Thomas Scott convicted; Carman Leader; The Bay's great beacon; Firemen to London.

March 3, 1870 - Thomas Scott was convicted of taking up arms against Riel’s provisional government and was executed the following day.  Scott’s death made him a martyr to some and hardened Eastern Canadian sentiment toward Riel.

March 3, 1898 - The Carman Valley Leader began publishing as the Dufferin Leader.

March 3, 1930 - The "Great Beacon" atop Winnipeg's Hudson's Bay Company department store was lit. part gimmick, part navigational aid, it was said at the time to be the strongest light in the British Empire. (For more.)

March 3, 1942 - An order-in-council is signed to create the Canadian Corps of Civilian Firefighters. The Corps, made up of hundreds of firemen from across Canada, were deployed to England during the Blitz to fight fires. Around 30 of those were members of Winnipeg's fire department. For more.  

March 3, 1954
- The Manitoba Hotel, The Imperial Hotel and four other businesses at 509-517 Main St., (across from city hall), burn to the ground.

March 3, 1966 - Neil Young, Stephen Stills, and Richie Furay form Buffalo Springfield in Los Angeles.  women. For more.

© 2012, 2020 Christian Cassidy

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