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May 24: The King's speech; Assiniboine Park Pavilion; Souris' library.

© 2012, 2020 Christian Cassidy

May 24, 1911 - Kildonan Park is formally opened and was an instant hit with its wooded stands, vast lawns, and easy access to the Red River. A Winnipeg Free Press reporter wrote at the time, “Wild in the beauty of unrestricted nature, Kildonan Park will in time become the most beautiful of Winnipeg's big recreation grounds." (For more about its history.)

May 24, 1930 - Victoria Day. The new Assiniboine Park pavilion opened to the public. The original, built circa 1909, burned down the year before.

Winnipeg Evening Tribune May 25, 1939

May 24, 1939 - His Majesty King George VI and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth I were on the Winnipeg portion of their Canadian royal tour. The King delivered a Victoria Day message to the Empire from Government House. This was months before the speech made famous in the Academy Award winning 2010 film.the movie. For more on the King's Winnipeg speech.

May 24, 1955 - The first regional library in Manitoba opened in Souris.

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